
…what the SOARS framework consists of?


The SOARS (Student Ownership, Accountability, and Responsibility for School safety) framework consists of the following components:


A mobile app called Advocatr™ that allows students to

  • Report safety concerns
  • Recognize others for engaging in prosocial behaviors
  • Access instructional videos and informational materials about the app's functions, advocacy and self-advocacy, and restorative practices

Student Ownership


Instructional activities and videos are provided to familiarize students with restorative practices, the importance of taking ownership of their own and others' safety, and to assume responsibility for their own behavior.


Student Accountability


A student-driven school-wide safety campaign to raise awareness of school safety issues and initiatives and use of the Advocatr™ app.


Student Responsibility


Online resources for teachers, students, and parents. "Did-you-know" briefs provide information about threats to student safety, how feeling unsafe affects students, the difference between snitching and reporting, what restorative practices are, and how restorative practices can help in school and real life.

School Safety

Instructional activities provide sample lesson plans for introducing students to the Advocatr™ app, restorative practices, and the student-led safety campaign.