
…what physical and emotional safety is?


There are two kinds of safety: Physical safety and emotional safety.

Physical safety


Your school building is secure.

  1. There is a sign-in sheet in the office for visitors.
  2. All places have a good lighting.
  3. It's really hard for you to trip, fall, break a bone, or get physically hurt.
  4. Adults are in areas where there aren't a lot of people.


There is a fence around your school. People in the front office keep an eye on who goes in and out. There are signs that tell you where to go and what to watch out for (e.g. "Wet floor! Watch your step!"). There are adults who break up fights when they see students fighting with each other.

Emotional safety


You feel safe.

  1. You're not worried about bullying or harassment.
  2. People do not spread rumors about others.
  3. People do not force others into doing something they don't want to do.
  4. People do not make others feel bad about how they look, what they wear, where they live, or who they are.


You feel you belong. You look forward to seeing your friends at school and doing things with them. You feel comfortable in your skin and you are proud of who you are. You can concentrate on your school work. You trust the adults in your school. When there is a problem, you know who you can talk to.

Both kinds of safety are important for everyone in a school